Friday, 31 March 2017

Brussels Here We Come

with being on nights this week it meant my days, when I should be sleeping, were free. I done a few small gardening jobs on Monday and once finished sat for a while in the front garden thinking I should really make the most of the day and get out for a walk. I didn't want to do anything to pacey as the ankle was still a little tender. My Nephew, Wayne Quirk, swaps and changes his exercise discipline from cycling to gym and weights then walking. he is currently in his walking phase so I met him for a steady 8 miles. Its always good to catch up with him, typically, he only lives 100 meters from my house but since we have both finished are time in motorsport where we could be found in are respective garages till all kinds of hours most days we now only catch up on the odd occasion. when I started walking late 2013 Wayne was up for the challenge also and started walking most evenings competing also on the Winter walking League. At the time he went and spent, what I considered to be a lot of money, on suitable clothing, trainers etc. He still has all the kit he bought which is proof that buying cheap really isn't the most efficient way. I have swapped my kit a few times since I started, spending probably 10 times as much on shorts than what I would when I first started. I wrote a while back about a chafing episode I was unfortunate to suffer during an End to End walk. The shorts I had on then were more likely something I had found cheap on one of the discounted sporting store websites, needless to say, the shorts I wear now are a far cry from those early ones with seamless stitching and compression pants built in.

Tuesday training ended up being a decent enough session. At the start I felt as though I had just come of the back of a longer distance race. everything felt tired and heavy, I was glad I wasn't the only one feeling this way as at least I had company along the promenade as everyone else took off towards Onchan Head. The pace improved towards the end and the body didn't feel much worse for it.

I managed to arrange a massage on Wednesday with Bronwen. With work and breaks away we had not met up since the beginning of February. I am hopeful work will remain as planned now until after the Parish so that I can get back into a routine with Bronwen for my Sports Massage. I have two more sessions of Friction Massage on my Achilles booked with Jorel at the Adjust Clinic in Peel before the Fireman's Memorial Walk also.

The weather was wet when I woke earlier on today (Thursday) . Andy Dawson had sent the group message out to see who was up for what would have been a wet walk. I had slept a little longer than planned so would have been tight for time to make it through (that's my excuse) Dave was working, Stew had had his injections for an upcoming trip to Argentina, Rich was Running and there was no word from Ray so it came to naught. I could of gone out later on but the refuge of the Sofa seemed a much better option than splashing around Peel. I packed my bag for work tonight with lunch etc. to eat during what was my last night shift. I also packed some walking gear with the intention to walk back to Peel after finishing here at Pulrose in the morning. (yeah right)

Entries are coming in thick and fast now for the upcoming Fireman's Walk on the 23rd April with 125 entries so far.

I am off to Brussels for a long weekend with Christine  so there will be no walking now, apart from shopping miles and sight seeing, until next Wednesday. No doubt wifey will find a whole host of well known clothing stores to browse around knowing full well if I dare complain, even once, that will be my support gone for the upcoming Fireman's and Parish Walks. I don't know how she can dare make comparisons with the boredom for me of standing in shops with her sitting in a car for hours on end waiting on my every need ................ cheeky mare!

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